Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wilz - Get Looney & Ghost

I've posted some stuff on music here, both music videos and live performances. As you may have noticed, I like a lot of weird music so sometimes I stray into the foreign markets (I particularly enjoy visual kei bands from Japan). I decided to share some local music this time. It's nice to see some quality hip-hop coming out of our own province.
Wilz is a hip-hop artist from Saint John, New Brunswick (my hometown) and I actually went to high school with the guy. Below I have selected two excellent music videos produced locally and directed by my talented friend Steve Doiron. I have worked on a number of film projects with Steve and he is an awesome film-maker.

First up is Ghost. I love this track. One thing I hear from people about Wilz is that he is very similar to Eminem. I definitely agree with this, but I think a lot of people end up saying this because he is a white rapper and Slim Shady is just one of the most famous. Sure he's white, but Wilz doesn't really compare to other famous white rappers (I wouldn't dare compare his sound to Vanilla Ice for example). The video is shot in downtown Saint John, featuring a drab setting that totally fits the mood of the song. Steve, the director, gets a cameo at the end getting out of his car (haha!). Wilz has a lot of charisma in the video, lyrics reflecting some deeply personal anguish, and the sung chorus has a raw power to it without over-exerting itself (the over-toned whispers adding a question of doubt to the character).

Get Looney
Get Looney is definitely a much more upbeat song. The video is very cool, particularly from a production stand-point, representing a post-apocalyptic world where people trade batteries for currency. For having a modest budget, as most productions in NB have, Steve Doiron sure knows how to make something from very little. There's a few local talents recognizable in the video such as Peter Doyle who made the Saint John-based film, Hometown. I'm in the video too towards the beginning (I get choked out in the fight). The beat is fun and Wilz spits his ryhmes with frantic pacing. Another bonus: the video shows off his break-dancing skills.

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