Friday 23 May 2014

Winny Puuh!

Ah! Music from Estonia! And not just any music - this is Winny Puhh! 

Are they metal? Are they hip-hop? Are they some new kind of music that no one has ever heard before? Probably the latter. They certainly warp the perception that most people have of music, especially with this live performance of Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti.
It's almost like Naked City's song Bonehead that plays at the beginning of Michael Haneke's Funny Games (a great horror film if you haven't seen it). The vocals are perhaps the most dividing in terms of musical taste - the non-sensical (or not really because it's a foreign language) and screaming ludicrousness is an attack on one's senses and I can imagine a lot of viewers pulling away from their laptop screens covering their ears against this madness. But that is precisely why I enjoy this performance. Winny Puhh push the boundaries on musical art and everything from their eccentric showmanship (dangling upside down) to their bizarre costume design (are they Sasquatch's in athletic gear?).

Now check out the music video for Peegelporand:
This is an interesting music video. The song is much more hip-hop infused than the first video I included (although using non-traditional hip-hop instruments). The music itself is very Eastern European, harking to the Estonians' cultural roots but creating an upbeat tempo that matches the rap vocals nicely. This goes to show Winny Puhh's diverse range and interest in including various genres into their musical catalog. The video itself is quite reminiscent of European arthouse cinema, using eerie zoom techniques and tableau inspired compositions. Not to mention the creepy way the performers look directly into the camera like something out of Fellini's most bizarre work (see Fellini Satryicon for an example of this).

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